Whitchurch Village Community Gardens


The idea of having a local community garden was discussed informally at the end of 2007 & once it was established that there was a sufficient demand in the community to support the idea, a piece of suitable land was identified.

In January 2008 the group (led by Andy Ford) approached the Parish Council formally with a proposition to grow organic produce, subject to renting the area at the rear of the Play Park in Norton Lane. The desire by local residents to do this was partially driven by there being no local shop in the Village to supply fresh fruit or vegetables.

With the Parish Council granting an ‘in principle’ agreement, the Whitchurch Village Community Garden (WVCG) committee was then properly formed, with Andy Ford elected as Chairman. The priority was to transform the redundant, overgrown land into an area suitable for growing fresh fruit and vegetables – no mean feat!!!!!

During 2008, much activity took place, including:–

  • Establishing core values – namely the community garden allotments would be open to any person regardless of age, race, religion or financial status who resides within Whitchurch Village
  • Contact made with potential funding bodies in particular the ‘Local Food’ initiative supported by the National Lottery, with the rep. helping with an outline site plan
  • Partnerships formed with the Parish Council, Hinton Organics, Bristol Water, Whitchurch Primary School and Pre–School, the Food Lottery Grant and others.
  • Discussions with B&NES Council regarding the change in use of land – at the time it was thought that full planning permission would be required including submission of detailed plans & a Design & Access Statement
  • The WVCG took on a formal structure to include a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

During 2009 there were many developments that needed a lot of hard work:–

  • Negotiations with B&NES continued regarding planning & eventually thanks to the fantastic efforts of Councillor Peter Edwards, B&NES agreed that planning permission would no longer be required.
  • However the uncertainty that had been created by this situation meant that the Lottery application would be delayed. However thanks once again to Peter Edwards, funding was obtained directly from B&NES along with the additional funding from the Parish Council, the Village Fete Committee and Bristol Water.
  • These funds have been used for hedge laying, the purchase of a communal storage container, purchase of a rain water collection tank and professional assistance in clearing the ground.

In 2010, The Food Lottery organisation informed WVCG that the grant application was unsuccessful. However with further support from the Parish Council & some hard work & innovation by the group of volunteers:

  • The ground was made ready to use
  • The area was made secure following the erection of a fence forming a boundary between the play park & allotments
  • The 21 allotments were marked out, allocated & rented
  • A plot was been taken by the Village Pre–school & Primary school for educational purposes
  • The first crops were sown in accordance with organic growing principles
  • The plot holders started to celebrate first growing successes
  • Committee meetings took place monthly
  • The first main project of the group was discussed & commenced – this being re–establishment of the wild life pond which after a lot of hard work & thought was completed in Autumn.
  • Fundraising events took place with the emphasis on ‘Fun’ – & money raised went towards purchase of necessary equipment to maintain & improve communal areas

During a very active 2011, the WVCG

  • Continued establishment & development of all plots, crops & produce
  • Held monthly meetings to ensure all plot holders were happy, had a voice & express ideas.
  • Ensured the continuation & nourishment of partnerships
  • Obtained the erection of netting protection by the Whitchurch Cricket Club
  • Arranged ‘Communal&rsuo; volunteer days with activity based sessions to improve the whole area e.g. pathways, pond, hedges etc.
  • Arranged regular fundraising & social events

For 2012, the WVCG has

  • Started with a great social night at Whitchurch British Legion with 40 people attending
  • Plans to improve the container store & use water drain off for conservation purposes
  • Plans to improve the communal area with a theme based around the Queens Jubilee Year

Acknowledgement of support provided

The Whitchurch Village Community Gardens Committee would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all sources, both historic & current, for the help & support (be it financial, moral or physical) over the last 3 years, without which we could not have established the Gardens :

  • Whitchurch Parish Council & the Clerk Mrs Sue Dyer
  • Mr Peter Edwards – Councillor
  • Whitchurch Village Fete Committee.
  • Virgin Media trainees in the Community (via Chris Starling)
  • Whitegate Nurseries (David Morris) www.whitegatenurseries.co.uk
  • Whitchurch British Legion
  • B&Q (Imperial Park)
  • Whitchurch Cricket Club
  • Hinton Organics
  • Bristol Water
  • Aaron Carpets
  • Geoff Wilkinson, Church Farm